success story

How I learned to overcome my excuses.

How I learned to overcome my excuses.

Lisa used to be able to come up with every excuse under the sun as to why she couldn’t or shouldn’t start exercising. She realized that the excuses would always be there, but she could give it a try anyways. And, she did! A few months later, she is feeling better than ever, has ditched smoking once and for all, and is noticing changes in her “excuses”.

Mel learned to overcome her excuses and get off the yo-yo rollercoaster.

Mel learned to overcome her excuses and get off the yo-yo rollercoaster.

Mel had finally found a fitness routine that she loves and was consistent with, but the pounds were still slowly creeping on. As life got busier she was letting her discipline slide until she finally had enough. Mel’s journey to finding balance, getting results, and feeling amazing is one we can all relate to and aspire for.

No One Was Going To Fix My Problems but Me!

No One Was Going To Fix My Problems but Me!

Struggling to get through the day at work was starting to become a reality for Yvonne. She decided it was time to make a change. After only 2 months of personal training, she now has little knee pain and zero fibromyalgia pain.

Success Story: Kristy Skuce


Kristy had been coming to Encompass and working out consistently for a  year but wasn’t seeing the progress she had hoped to. No weight was lost, in fact she gained a few pounds. “I found myself very frustrated over summer with nothing fitting properly and not feeling as comfortable because of it. I had friends at Encompass who were successful with the program and I thought it was time to give the KickStart a try.”

Kristy was hesitant about the cost of the program and felt that she should be able to get the results she wanted on her own, without any help. But, in the end,  friends encouraged her to sign up.  “I decided to give it a try and in the very first week I was down almost 7 pounds! I could not believe it.” Her remaining 3 weeks on the Program were nothing short of success as she didn’t stop at those 7 pounds.

The biggest discovery Kristy made throughout the program was what adding her creamer to her coffee was doing to her body. Before the KickStart you could find Kristy drinking, and adding creamer to coffee several times per day. During the KickStart she broke that habit by having only one coffee with breakfast and drinking water, tea or black coffee the rest of the day.  She says she’s getting used to black coffee- seeing the results is worth it.

Another benefit was losing inches in areas that were typically harder for her. “I always notice changes in my upper body but often struggled with losing in my lower body.”  But during the Kickstart, Kristy lost 2.5 inches off her stomach, 2 inches off her hips and another 1.5 from each leg.

Everyone has days where “life happens” but this program adapts to those days.  Kristy experienced some of these days during the 28 days of the Kickstart. “Thanksgiving fell in the middle of this program and I still enjoyed my supper and a slice of pie, yes that’s right. I also attended fundraisers where the menu didn’t fit nicely into the program. I took those days as “life days” and tried to make the best choices.”  But knowing portion sizes as well as what she should be eating for meals and snacks ensured she could stay on track around those “life days”.  Managing the correct amount of carbs was a big lesson for her.

The results are still new and exciting to Kristy. But she’s looking forward to enjoying clothes shopping again.  ”I feel more confident and I'm excited to continue focusing on my nutrition as well as to teach my family healthy habits.”

“I would definitely recommend this program to anyone. The elements are very clear. If you follow the meal suggestions and timing of meals, you will find success. There is something for can spend time cooking or stick to the easier recipes and grab and go. Each recipe makes more than one portion so I found I could freeze meals.”  I’ll be honest, I’m kicking myself for not joining the first KickStart program I could have.”

The biggest benefit for Kristy from this program was gaining the confidence of knowing she could do it.  “And that motivates me to set new goals.”

What more could you ask for in 28 days?