Kaila Jutras: Success Story

Kaila before and after.jpg

Kaila was the winner of our KickStart Giveaway Contest (on Facebook - enter to win our September giveaway here) in May, who had amazing success with the program. Today we caught up with Kaila and she shared her story with us.

Last May, when I saw that there was a contest to win the KickStart, I entered immediately. My daughter had just turned one, and I was just returning to work after my maternity leave. Physically, I needed to do something, but financially I couldn’t make it work considering the circumstances. When I found out I had won the contest, I cried because I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited, and it was exactly what I needed.

I thought that I had healthy patterns, I had always drank water, eaten healthy, and was active. But, when I started the program I realized that I wasn’t actually eating enough, or the right things to actually lose weight. By changing simple things that I do, and the way that I think, I’ve changed so much.

I now can go anywhere and understand not just what I “can” or “can’t” eat, because no food is “bad” but about how much I should eat. I love that I can eat ANYWHERE and still achieve my goals. Plus, I now want to eat good foods. I haven’t eaten fast food since May, and I don’t even want to, or crave it anymore.

The program is amazing and actually sets you up for success by teaching you, not just telling you what to do. I felt completely set up for success. The program is almost fail-proof. There is no way to fail when you can go to Sobey’s and everything is labeled for you. You’re given grocery lists, and plenty of recipe’s that my kids and my husband also loved. (Plus, we’ve also partnered with local restaurants, making eating out effortless and guilt free too)

 I loved the interaction, education, and support during the program. You can ask questions at any time, and I loved the videos and Facebook live posts from places like grocery stores and restaurants where the coaches explained what items are best to eat and why. This really changed the way I ate and the way I thought because they taught me why.

At the end of the 28 days, it didn't just "end". They taught (us) what we needed to know, and I learned exactly what to do to continue to achieve my goals. I am not paying for extra programs, or for magic potions; I am simply buying groceries, eating regular foods, and am continuing to see results.

I tell everybody that they should go do it because it is one of the only things I have done where I didn’t feel like I was throwing my money away because I actually learned about nutrition, and how to manage my day and my lifestyle to be successful. During the KickStart I lost 13 pounds, and since then I have lost 35 pounds in total, simply just doing what I learned. My horseback riding has improved, by balance and my strength are better, my confidence is higher, and my energy; I am no longer exhausted at the end of the day, and I am doing more than before!